St Matthew's Westminster
St Matthew’s is a place at the heart of the city where you can discover worship, friendship and refreshment – in a word, community.
We come from different places and diverse backgrounds. Some of us live in the parish, some travel miles. Some of us worship regularly on Sunday or when we can make it, others form part of our weekday community. Some of us are part of the wider virtual community. For all of us, St Matthew's is a place where we are nourished on our Christian pilgrimage and where we find church. Unconditional welcome and generous hospitality are at the heart of the Christian gospel. We try and live this through our worship, our learning together and our support for each other.
The church building is open everyday, and the rhythm of Mass, Morning and Evening Prayer is at the heart of our common life.
Parish Eucharist
Sunday 11:00am
Lunchtime Mass
Monday - Friday 12:30pm
Sung Compline (Term Time)
Tuesday 6:30pm
Choral Evensong (Term Time)
Wednesday 6:30pm
Further details below
Upcoming services
WEEKDAYS (Mon-Friday)
12:30pm Lunchtime Mass
18.30 Sung Compline
18.30 Choral Evensong
Wood in F (Collegium Regale)
Here is the little door (Howells)
SUNDAY 26th JANUARY (Epiphany 3)
11.00 Solemn Mass
Missa Aeterna Christi munera (Palestrina)
Tribus miraculis (Palestrina)
TUESDAY 28th JANUARY (Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Philosopher, Teacher)
18.30 Sung Compline
18.30 Come and Sing Evensong
(Rehearsal at 17.30)
Stanford in C
O for a closer walk with God (Stanford)
18.30 Concert by the Choristers of Westminster Abbey
SUNDAY 2nd FEBRUARY (Candlemas)
11.00 Solemn Mass
St Nicholas Mass (Haydn)
When to the temple Mary went (Eccard)
Nunc Dimittis (St Nicholas Service) (How)